Thursday, October 21, 2010

Prayer is the key that unlocks the door of ministry--Your Prayer Team

 Prayer is the key that unlocks the door of ministry.  As your ministry grows, you need more and more people praying for you.  It is like circles around you:

Circle 1.  Your most intimate friends and family--those who you can be completely open with.
Circle 2.  People who are true intercessors, who will be called by God to pray for you for specific issues that are assigned to them.
Circle 3.  A much larger group of people who will pray for you as prompted by email, phone call, etc.
Circle 4.  People around the world that have heard of you and what you are doing and love to pray.
Circle 5.  People that only God knows who they are, but He prompts them to pray for you-- the unknown person.

This type of prayer team can open doors, solve difficult situations, smooth the way, and keep you protected.

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